About Us

We value the lives of the less fortunates.

about us

Our History.

In the year 2021, two kind-hearted individuals named Monica Akinyi and Duncan Omwaga visited a small village in Migori, Kenya. During their visit, they came across a family of eight who had been struggling to make ends meet. To their dismay, they found out that the family had gone without food for three days. Monica and Duncan were deeply moved by this heartbreaking situation and decided to take action. They immediately purchased food and other basic necessities for the family that would last them for the entire month. After this incident, Monica and Duncan realized that there were many other children and families in the community who were in dire need of support. They felt compelled to do something to help and decided to start a program that would provide assistance to the underprivileged children in the area. This program aimed to provide not only food, but also education, healthcare, and other basic needs to ensure that these children could live a decent life,and that's when Beautiful Kids foundation was born. Thanks to the kindness and generosity of Monica and Duncan, many children in the community now have a brighter future ahead of them.

Our work

Our organization has been dedicated to serving the community and improving the lives of those in need for many years. We firmly believe that every child, regardless of their socio-economic status, deserves access to quality healthcare and education. We have a special focus on assisting orphans and children from destitute families who are in dire need of support. These children often lack basic necessities such as food, shelter, education, and medical care, and we work tirelessly to provide them with all the necessary resources they need to thrive. Furthermore, we also provide assistance to street children who are often rejected by their families and have no place to go. We take them in and offer them a safe and nurturing environment where they can receive education, healthcare, and emotional support. Our ultimate goal is to help them build a brighter future and provide them with every opportunity to succeed in life. Our commitment to helping those in need goes beyond just providing basic necessities. We strive to create a sustainable impact in the lives of these children by empowering them with skills and knowledge that will help them lead self-sufficient and fulfilling lives. We believe that every individual deserves a chance to live a promising life, and we are dedicated to making that a reality for as many people as possible.



Our organization depends on funding from multiple sources to sustain our mission and objectives. A significant portion of our funding is derived from the committed contributions of our Team Members, who selflessly offer their time, expertise, and resources to further our goals. We also garner financial backing from benefactors who support our cause and are dedicated to effecting positive change in our community. The collective support enables us to persist in our vital work and effectuate substantial change in the lives of the individuals we aid.


Our organization provides a range of essential services to those in need, including food assistance to combat hunger, clothing to keep individuals warm and protected, safe and secure shelters for those without a home, healthcare services to maintain physical well-being, education to empower individuals with knowledge and skills, and counseling to support mental and emotional health. We aim to address the diverse needs of our community and help individuals live happier and healthier lives.


Our organization provides a range of essential services to those in need, including food assistance to combat hunger, clothing to keep individuals warm and protected, safe and secure shelters for those without a home, healthcare services to maintain physical well-being, education to empower individuals with knowledge and skills, and counseling to support mental and emotional health. We aim to address the diverse needs of our community and help individuals live happier and healthier lives. Summary Beautiful Kids Foundation: A Beacon of Hope for Needy Children in Kenya In a country like Kenya where poverty and lack of resources are prevalent, organisations like Beautiful Kids Foundation play a crucial role in supporting the most vulnerable members of society – orphaned children and those from needy families. Founded three years ago, Beautiful Kids Foundation is a non-profit organisation based in Opapo, Rongo, Migori, Kenya, dedicated to providing basic needs, healthcare, and education to underprivileged children. One of the main goals of Beautiful Kids Foundation is to ensure that every child, regardless of their background, has access to the basic necessities required for a healthy and happy life. This includes providing nutritious food, clean water, and adequate shelter to those in need. The foundation also places a strong emphasis on education, believing that it is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty and empowering children to create a better future for themselves. One of the most important aspects of Beautiful Kids Foundation is its commitment to healthcare. The foundation aims to establish a modern hospital to provide medical care to children who may otherwise not have access to such services. By ensuring that these children receive proper medical attention when needed, Beautiful Kids Foundation is not only improving their physical health but also their overall well-being. One of the unique aspects of Beautiful Kids Foundation is the way it is funded. Unlike many organisations that rely solely on grants or government funding, Beautiful Kids Foundation is funded primarily through the contributions of its members and donations from generous well-wishers. This grassroots approach ensures that the foundation remains sustainable and independent, allowing it to continue its important work in the community. Looking towards the future, Beautiful Kids Foundation has ambitious plans to further support needy children in Kenya. One of the organisation’s main goals is to build modern classrooms where children can receive a quality education in a safe and conducive environment. By investing in education, Beautiful Kids Foundation hopes to give these children the tools they need to succeed in life and break the cycle of poverty. In conclusion, Beautiful Kids Foundation is a shining example of a non-profit organisation that is making a real difference in the lives of needy children in Kenya. Through its commitment to providing basic needs, healthcare, and education, the foundation is not only improving the lives of individual children but also contributing to the betterment of society as a whole. With continued support from its members and well-wishers, Beautiful Kids Foundation will undoubtedly continue to be a beacon of hope for generations to come.

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